Friday, May 14, 2010

It's been 17 months

Okay, so maybe I took a little time off. A lot of my friends have been busy and regularly keeping their friends and families updated with their lives, and I have not. So - starting now and at least for another few months, I'll do the best I can. I'm sure many of you have not lost too much sleep over my non-updates. God bless Facebook (which, I've been sucking at as well).
As I looked back at the older posts, it really just breaks my heart - my little mullet-head, hardly speaking, diaper wearing, little pickle. Now - she's hardly that, however, she's more. I won't go through our last 17 months in detial, just a little summary.

Oh yeah, Sophie is 3. We moved to Oxbow. I still work and travel on a semi-regular basis. Aaron is still doing what he does. We are happy and healthy and busy and crazy.

October, 2009: Good bye 4324 46th Ave. s:

Hello Schnell Drive:

Aaron & I in Florida (January, 2010) - we still look the same.

Oh yeah - we still have Roonie. And Roonie & Sophie have a real love/hate relationship. It's like they're real siblings.

Okay - so maybe a little past few month history hightlights with the family:

Christmas with the Halverson cousins:

Christmas with the Brakkes:

Happy 3rd Birthday to Sophie!

Easter (2010) at Hannah & Ava's (John & Angie's in Arkansas)

Latest big event: Baby Ruby Mae Halverson (Sister to Lucy & Stella)

Okay - that's it for now. Sophie is growing up so fast, and she's so funny! I want to share her funny little self with everyone. Yes - I want to be that mom.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dancing in my room!

Loves the dancing & smiling for the camera!

Balloons - big time hit!

Hot Tamales + Car Ride = Sleepy Girl with Red Lips

It's Winter!

Okay - so mommy has been lacking at updating this. I've been very busy actually. With gymnastics, the snow and getting ready for Christmas - I think she's forgotten to show me off. So, here I am preparing for the winter! I have my fluffers jacket on - it keeps me warm. These pictures were actually taken at the last Bison game of the year - on November 22nd! We tailgated as much as we could - but mommy got cold, so we hung out on the bus and ate can see I tried to leave some for latter on my chin.

Monday, November 17, 2008


We're doing another round of gymnastics. This time, she's really getting into it.

Butterfly Fairy

Haloween was so fun this year. Sophie was a butterfly fairy. We didn't do that much trick-or-treating, dad was in the field and mom decided to go out with the girls. Sophie came to work for a little bit - where she showed off her costume. Then she stayed with some friends over night - so it was a big day for her. She probably ate more candy that day then she has in her life.

Mommy was a grim-reaper. This didn't scare Sophie - she still gave me a kiss buy buy.
Sophie is actually very cool - and has some poses. Here's her "sexy pose".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's fall. Here are a few of Sophie's favorite fall activities. The park is always a favorite!

Coloring is a new thing - we've discoverd that Roonie is a fan of crayons as well.

Sophie also just wants to wear her jacket and play outside. We are having a blast this fall!!