Sunday, August 17, 2008

Como Zoo

We went to Como Zoo with mommy's friends from college on 8/02. It was a great day! I saw so many animals and got to meet some new friends. Lucy & Stella came too!

I rode on the carousel with mommy - it was so fun. I giggled when I saw daddy each time I went around.

Cousin Time!

I also got to hang out with all of my cousins at the park on 7/20. We had a great day. I loved the swing. Uncle Eric laughed at me when I started to "run" while swinging. I probably won't let Eric push me though - I saw my cousin Lucy fall off.

Then we went to dinner. Hannah showed us all how to put on lipstick.

It was pretty hetic to get everyone fed without getting kicked out of the Blue Moose.

Sophie, Hannah, Stella, Lucy & Ava

Saturday, August 16, 2008

At home

So, maybe mommy hasn't been that great at updating this. I decided that I need to take things into my own hands. This first group (Pictures taken: 7/13/08) is pretty much just me hanging out at home with Roonie (which by the way, I can almost say). RTD & I get along great - she ignores me when I snuggle with her, and give her kisses.

I've also started to realize that when mommy grabs that box type thing and pushes a button, something happens. I now believe that maybe I should just start doing it all myself...taking my pictures that is. I don't know the difference between video & stills. It really doesn't matter.

After I got my jammies on - I wanted to make sure I got one more snuggle from mommy.